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Making peace with food & myself

 First of all, I would like to say that Eline is a very warm and pleasant person who makes you feel completely at ease. Nothing feels wrong - or out of context. That made me feel very comfortable. For me, our conversations were often not necessarily about food or the body, but about the bigger picture. Where does a certain restlessness or imbalance in myself and my body come from? How do I relate to it and how do I recognise it? But perhaps more importantly, Eline gives me tools to deal with it better. This was and still is very useful for me!


Creating food freedom & inner peace

"I met Eline when I was taking personal training sessions around 4 years ago. She sort of came with the package - but the PT sessions were stopped and Eline became my go-to nutritionist, coach, support.


We worked together on and off over the last years, initially mainly focus on food but then when I decided to take some time off work to heal, she helped me through that difficult period with care, empathy, reflection and by radiating peace (I don't know how to better say it). She provided me with a calm presence that I know I could reach out when needed and it helped me immensely. Somehow she always knew what she needed to say (even if I didn't want to hear it), she could tease things out of me (that I didn't even know I knew) but she also knew when to be silent and just listen.


Our sessions and contact between was personal and shaped around my needs. I can't thank her enough for the nutritionist advice, the coaching, the guidance, the laughter and the tears. She has made me see that I don't need to focus on doing something all the time, but that it's okay to be - something that has stuck with me and it's something that I keep reminding myself about when things get messy. Working with Eline has been absolutely worth it and I would go back anytime if I need more support!"


Self-love & Relaxation

After a burnout, I just couldn't get out of the same patterns and traps. I had been at home for a year, but I didn't feel 'better'. 3 years ago we were in contact in connection with a vegan diet consultation and I immediately felt at ease with you. I looked for contact again and you were there for me immediately. 


Eline, you feel me perfectly. The contact feels very equal because you don't create distance but openness. You share when you recognise things in yourself and I really appreciated that. I felt understood by you. The insights you have given me have been immediately implemented.


I have more respect, love and appreciation for myself, my body and the people around me. As a result, I dare to let go of control more, which has left a lot of room for relaxation and enjoyment. Because I am less strict and demanding of myself, I am less judgmental of others. I have learned to better understand and deal with emotions in myself and others. 


You say what is necessary, ask the right questions, dare to be critical, but respect me completely by not judging. You help me to put things into perspective and have brought more light into my life. Thank you so much for all your support, tips and kind words!


Healthy Weightloss & Accepting Myself

Eline has a surprising approach and the focus is not so much on what you can and cannot eat and how much. It's definitely not a short-term approach. But that actually makes you try less to lose weight and get more long-term results. So she has helped me not only to lose weight, but also to feel more at peace and happier with who I am now, even if I am not there yet. After each of our sessions I felt the positive energy that Eline was able to transmit'.


Gut health & wellbeing

"I loved working with Eline. Her holistic approach encouraged me to not only work on improving my dietary habits but also focus on other areas of my life that highly affected my relationship with food and the way my body responded to food. I came to Eline to get advice and help with tackling some digestive issues while being able to maintain a plant-based diet and get good nutrition. But I gained way more, feel healthier, and have much better understanding of my body and also myself. Thank you so much."


Burnout recovery and a more relaxed life

If I had to describe conversations with Eline in five words:

Empathic, direct, insightful, practical and reassuring. The conversations with Eline were very valuable, I quickly felt at ease and there was a lot of space to connect with my needs. The sessions gave me a lot of insights that made me feel more and more at peace. I was given tools to deal with negative thoughts, feelings and insecurities, and I became more aware of underlying patterns of behaviour and thinking. Step by step, I learned to listen more and more to my feelings. As a result, I am now more successful in making choices that meet my needs.


Eating Disorder Recovery & More Self-Love

Eline has helped me a lot in my recovery from an eating disorder. Both in terms of nutrition and in terms of awareness and meditation, she has provided me with tools that have given me a good foundation to work on in the near future. Eline is very knowledgeable and also just an incredibly nice and pleasant person. Nothing but praise!


Healthy Weightloss

Thanks to Eline, I realised how to balance my diet. For years I had been getting into it and falling back. It's okay to slip up now and again. But hang in there, be consistent and cut yourself some slack. I have learnt this from Eline and thanks to her I have lost more than 20 kilos! Eline is always friendly and always has tips or improvements for you! Thank you Eline for all your help!


More energy & peace with food and life

What started as a conversation about food ended up with me having to be more aware in my daily life. What I liked about the conversations with Eline was that she didn't just look at food (I was always just hungry) but more importantly at you as a person and how you live, what kind of job you have, how you are composed, etc. I didn't take my food seriously. I didn't take my food seriously; it was fuel to get me through the day. But Eline really made me realise that food is actually part of your life and that you have to make space, time and peace for it. And now, if I fall back into my 'old' habit one day, I notice it immediately in my energy the next day. Thank you Eline for these enlightening sessions.


Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition

Eline has helped me tremendously in my transition to a plant-based diet. She showed me how delicious and rich a plant-based diet can be, and that you don't have to be afraid of all kinds of deficiencies. I learned about new vegetables, fruits and legumes, as well as new ways of preparing food. I also found out that a plant-based diet does not mean that you can only chew celery or that you are always hungry. On the contrary, my meals are tastier than ever and really filling. Talking to Eline is actually very pleasant. She adapts the advice to your situation and also has an eye for the social and emotional aspects. I can recommend her to anyone!


Eating Disorder Recovery & Self-love

Beautiful! That was one of the first words Eline said to motivate me. And how much she helped me. Not only in finding more balance in my diet, but also in looking at myself and my body with more love and compassion.  Face your fears and do it anyway', Eline taught me. I also brought more playfulness and fun back into my life. Our conversations were often not even about food, but about the deeper patterns in all facets of life. I felt immensely supported by Eline, who has a natural wisdom and gave me so many useful tips and advice. A beautiful person who has enriched my life and made me grow enormously as a person.


A Healthier Relationship with Food & Exercise

Eline helped me a lot to find the right balance with my weight. She did this not so much by looking at what I ate (of course I ate a bit) but by changing my mental attitude to food and exercise. I now look at food and exercise in a different way and have reduced my obsession with them and am finally in balance in terms of weight, but more importantly mentally. I don't cry anymore because I can't remember how to do it. Eline has mainly helped me by changing my mindset so that everything is much easier and better. I am much happier in life now. I am very grateful to her.


Relaxation & Freedom in eating again

After two pleasant sessions with Eline, I have already achieved my goal. Eline taught me how to deal with 'real' cravings and 'tasty' cravings by giving me concrete tips and looking for the cause behind them. Her down-to-earth and realistic approach to food and lifestyle is inspiring and I would definitely recommend her.


Balance in Body & Mind

Talking to Eline helped me a lot in the process of feeling good about myself again. I wanted to lose weight by focusing on myself, both physically and mentally. Eline has a talent for putting everything into a broader context; everything has a causal relationship, which makes you wonder why you feel the need to change, or why you do certain things that you feel unhappy about afterwards. By exploring what your motivations and pain points are, Eline's approach has a more lasting and meaningful effect when you want to lose weight. I am very grateful to her!


Irritable bowel syndrome

I contacted Eline about my PDS symptoms. I asked for Eline's help because, with a largely plant-based diet, it seemed like a big challenge to start the FODMAP diet. What Eline picked up on very well was that PDS is of course mainly triggered by stress, and so she started by giving me insights into how I could reduce my daily stress a bit. Now that I have an insight into what triggers other than stress, my self-awareness has grown and I can make better choices to reduce my symptoms.


Plant-based Nutrition & more inner peace

This was my third attempt at a plant-based diet. My previous attempts had failed because I didn't really know how to get all the nutrients and how to maintain it without it becoming a struggle. Eline's holistic way of working gave me an insight into why it became a struggle for me each time, which was because I had an all-or-nothing approach and wanted to label everything immediately. I was vegan and that was it.


Eline showed me that I didn't have to do that, that I didn't have to convince anyone and that I didn't have to be accountable to anyone about what I eat or don't eat and why. The important thing is that I do what feels right to me, without labels. I have been eating a mostly plant-based diet for quite some time now, but sometimes I have a cheese plate when I feel like it, and that is totally fine. Thanks to Eline, I have found much more peace in my diet and feel much better'.


A Healthier Relationship with Food

Eline has helped me not only with a healthy diet, but also with a healthy relationship with food and exercise. I used to make rules about what I had to do and what I couldn't do, and thanks to her I was able to let go of that and look at things differently. She made me feel very safe from the start, so I felt I could tell her anything. I am very grateful to her for the past year. She has helped me a lot along the way and I know she will always be there for me!


Feeling better in my body

 "I am super satisfied with the nutrition advice I received from Eline! What I really appreciate and find important is that, besides helping to look at what I can still improve in terms of nutrition, she is also very focused on being kind to yourself. In this way, I have already learned a lot about a healthy eating pattern while still feeling good in my own skin. Definitely get in touch with her if you want to know how you can feel even better and more comfortable in your own body!"


Creating healthy nutrition habits

“Eline is an amazing health coach. She did not just advise from the surface level, she spends time to understand her clients and try to guide them to find out what would make them succeed in their diet. Eline was detailed, patient, and she understands the root cause of my difficulty in my diet plan. I was very impressed by Eline’s dedication and guidance in the journey. And I would definitely work with Eline again if I move back to the city.”


Plant-based Nutrition & Finding Enjoyment

After watching some documentaries on Netflix, we decided to switch to a plant-based diet. Eline gave us expert advice on how to do this, including for our 2-year-old daughter. I was also able to ask questions in between consultations, which I really enjoyed. The conversations soon turned to how I feel about life, that it always seems so hectic and that there is so much 'to do'.


Eline has taught me to look at life in a different way, so that everything feels lighter and I am more aware of what I have and enjoy it. Eline is very approachable, with humour and down-to-earthness, but also with a lot of warmth and empathy. I would recommend her to anyone!


Nutrition, Relaxation & Self-Development

I thought I was just coming for a 'diet' question, but it turned out to be much more. The app Dr Greger recommended helped me to know when I was eating 'good enough' and this led to further exploration of this concept: good enough in myself, in my work, everywhere. Not that it always feels that way now, but the constant invitation to feel within: what if this is good enough now? And then to notice what that brings up. Eline's genuine empathy and sensitivity was supportive and helped me to be open and honest.


Nutrition with Strength Training

It is so nice to have Eline with me in my fitness process because I am someone who is really disciplined about food and I worry a lot if I have eaten badly one day. Eline helps me to relax my mind when I have doubts about eating: that it's not all in a hurry and that I can also enjoy eating. With the right nutrition tips and advice from Eline, you can see the results very quickly!


Plant-based Nutrition & Emotional Support

I wanted to get in touch with Eline in order to change from a vegetarian to a vegan lifestyle in a sensible and guided way. I couldn't find anyone close to me in the east of the country, but Eline offers a very convenient way of doing it remotely. To my delight, a beaming, outgoing nutritionist appeared on my screen. It soon became clear that I was doing the right thing by making the transition under supervision, and I was able to kick some unhealthy habits to the curb. Eline gave me incredibly useful practical tools, including the Daily Dozen app. Awesome! Gradually the focus shifted to the emotional area, which is not so stable for me. She helped me a lot and it is nice to be supported by someone as sensitive and positive as her. I recommend Eline to everyone!


More health, balance & enjoyment

Thank you so much for the nice talks: it really made a difference!


I had spent years being very theoretical and following 'the rules' with food, which was costing me more and more energy and stress and did nothing for my stomach problems. Through the beautiful sessions with Eline I was able to change my relationship with food. It was really nice to realise that it is not so much the food itself, but rather your own relationship with food that can have such an impact on your health. 


Partly because of the conversations with Eline and the insights she gave me, I have been able to make a huge step forward in that my stomach problems have almost disappeared. The sessions have also allowed me to enjoy food again and make healthy choices that make me really happy'.


Irritable bowel syndrome

I have enjoyed Eline's guidance the second time I went on the FODMAP diet for my irritable bowel syndrome. She knew how to motivate me and teach me to trust in the restorative capacity of my body and my gut. As a result, I continue to make (big) steps forward in understanding and dealing with my symptoms. Thank you Eline!


A Better Relationship with Food

With Eline I had pleasant conversations about how to deal with food. Not about what exactly I should eat and how many calories, but more about the behaviour around eating and my underlying thoughts. She gave me new insights and concrete tools to improve my relationship with food. Thank you for that!


A Healthy Lifestyle

I came to Eline to regain a healthy eating pattern (in my eyes). Fortunately, Eline immediately understood that I did not need to have an eating plan, but to start developing a healthy relationship with food. By having good conversations about my relationship with food and giving me the freedom to choose what I 'could' eat, my outlook on food has completely changed within a few months! I now have much more peace of mind and am increasingly able to let go, which has also made me a much happier person!


A better relationship with yourself

I had 6 consultations with Eline in about a year where I learned step by step how to take better care of myself in a way that fits well with my not always great abilities. We have looked at my diet, exercise, meditation and dealing with emotions. I am still on a journey of discovery and there are still things I encounter or could do better, but thanks to Eline I have been able to take great steps to help me along the way. Every day I benefit from the steps I have taken with her for my physical and mental health, and my self-confidence has grown as a result.


Weight loss and nutrition

“Eline helped me to move to a healthier diet

and take control of my nutrition by

using a holistic approach which also concentrated

on my mind state and perception of my body.

Very happy with the results.”


A Healthier Lifestyle

Eline would always surprise me with an inspiring conversation when I thought we had nothing more to talk about. She asks good questions - beyond my comfort zone - so that I can keep challenging myself. She has made me much more aware of my own lifestyle and diet, thank you Eline!


Family with Young Kids

Thanks to Eline, we have been able to continue with the plant-based diet with great confidence. Our family has been on a plant-based diet for 2 months now. We have a 3.5 year old daughter. We had already started on a plant-based diet, but we still had questions. Especially about our daughter's food. Because we wanted to be sure that our daughter was getting all the nutrients she needed, we called Eline. We are much wiser now and we are embarking on this great new adventure with great confidence. Thank you, Eline.

Eline V

Weightloss & Healthier Eating

I got married a few months ago. Before that, I had decided to exercise more and watch what I ate. I was not overweight, so the aim was just to get a bit fitter. We first looked at my current eating habits and then worked out a diet plan together. I became aware of the right products. I am happy with the results, I have lost weight and look fitter.


Now I have no particular date to work towards, but I like the fact that I am eating healthier without any effort. I have discovered many healthy and tasty recipes. My eating habits have changed. It also made me think about why I wanted to be fitter, as I wasn't really overweight.


It doesn't make you happier to be a few kilos over or a few kilos under. The most important thing is to feel good in your own skin and to feed your body the right things.


Eline knows a lot about healthy eating and is passionate about her craft. I have learned something that I can use in the future.

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