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Start Intuitive Eating in 7 Steps

The Mini Program

7 steps to stop overthinking, planning & restricting food and feel confident in your body again. Find your food freedom, starting today. 


Make the change from knowing to experiencing. Think you need more discipline or a better plan? Maybe it’s your approach that needs to change in order for you to find sustainable results. 


I’ve guided hundreds of women towards relaxed, intuitive eating as they let go of overthinking, dieting & emotional eating so they can achieve their health goals. 



This IS for you if

  • you feel a constant drive to 'fix/improve' your body as you have not reached your external goals yet

  • you're preoccupied with thoughts about food and your body, how you look, what you should eat... 

  • you're judging yourself based on being either good or bad regarding food and exercise choice everyday

  • you’re done feeling like you need to ‘get back on track’

  • you’re struggling with emotional eating

  • you want to feel more confident & relaxed around food & your body

  • you want to let go of shame, guilt and fear around food

  • you want to create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that feels natural 

  • you want to feel more space & ease instead of something else you ‘should’ do​

  • You basically just want to finally eat normal, act normal and feel normal around food and be at peace with your body

This is NOT for you if

  • you want a temporary quick fix that requires no reflection or real change

  • you just want a meal plan and force yourself to follow it for a while before starting the circle again

  • do not want to make any effort to get a better understanding of your own behaviour

  • you are not open to changing your perspective on food/diets 

  • you want to be more strict with yourself and see this as the only way to change

  • you don’t want to learn how to love and accept your body​


What do you get?


Short Video's

5-15 minute videos to give you insight & inspiration 

Image by Hello Revival

Journal Prompts

7 questions to start your journey towards more freedom

Image by Sélina Farzaei

Practical Tips

To take the first steps and feel the difference

"I now look at food and exercise in a different way and have reduced my obsession with them and am finally in balance in terms of weight, but more importantly mentally."

- Tess

'Face your fears and do it anyway', is what Eline taught me and it has helped me let go of overthinking A LOT.

- Bella

"Eline has completely changed my mindset around food and it's made everything so much easier and just better."

- Ann

I can now listen my body and make healthy choices from trust and clarity. It's changed everything!!

- Helen

Ready to make some real change and feel happy in your body again?

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